Progress Report #1 - Tipeee, First Lines of Code, and GitHub

November 11, 2017

Hi everyone!

Here is the progress report:


I have now opened a Tipeee page! Unless you live in the United States, I recommend cancelling your Patreon monthly donations, and instead donate via Tipeee. Less money will be lost in transaction fees and/or tax, and I'm sure you prefer that your money arrives to me rather than banks.

Now that there is both a Tipeee and a Patreon page, I'm making Youtube videos and will simply share the link. I publish the videos as "unlisted" for the first 2 months (so that only patrons have the latest news), but I will then make them public. This is why I called this update "#1" and not "#5": it will make more sense to the people coming to the Youtube channel 2 months from now.

Note to $1 and $3 patrons: Now, all patrons get the see the weekly updates! This is because Tipeee doesn't allow to restrict posts to 5€-patrons only, so I decided it's just simpler to let all patrons access all updates. The concept of "monthly updates" doesn't exist anymore.

Actual progress update

I have finally started to code! Nothing fancy so far, just a few points appearing in a window, and the possibility to add new points via Python scripting.

For those interested, the code is in GitHub:

Thank you so much for your support!

Stay tuned

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