Thank You Patrons!!

November 19, 2019

Today is #ThankYouPatrons day! Yes, there is such a thing, brought to you by Patreon ;-)

It is indeed a great opportunity to let you know (once more) how much your support means to me! I know it sounds cheesy and all, but I absolutely couldn't do this project without you.

Or at least, I would have to do it differently, by bringing in private investors via more "classical" funding rounds, startup-style. Things like seed-funding with business angels, then series A-C with venture capitalists, etc. If you have no clue what this means, there's a nice and short introduction article on Crunchbase:

Instead, I made the choice to use crowdfunding, because while I would try to be careful choosing private investors who seem to actually care about the project, you never really know. At the end of the day, private investors might just care more about their return on investment rather than making the best possible products for users. For you.

Private investors wouldn't like making VGC open-source ("suicidal business plan"). Private investors wouldn't like taking more time to do things right ("missed growth opportunities"). Private investors wouldn't like releasing buggy and unfinished alpha versions to the world ("terrible marketing approach"). Instead, they would like the idea of throwing a dozen engineers at the project, investing heavily on marketing, and releasing as fast as possible.

This is not how I want to build VGC. Instead, I want to build it together with you, the actual future users. I want to take the time to listen to you. To iterate on the alpha versions with you. To make sure that VGC is the best vector graphics and 2D animation software you could ever dream of.

So thank you for making this possible.



Stay tuned

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